Focusing On How to Be a Better You During Recovery

The Role of Self-Improvement in Recovery

There’s always room for more self-improvement and growth, and during recovery is a perfect way to start and prioritize that goal. But to accomplish this goal, we must take action to initiate change.

This is how to focus on self-improvement in recovery and become a better you.

Be Willing to Confront Your Insecurities

One of the hardest things to do is confront insecurities and flaws.

While they stir feelings of guilt or shame for whatever reason, your negative feelings and perceptions of yourself do not define you – the actions you take because of them do. Insecurities will no longer have power over you if you are willing to take steps to overcome them.

We should acknowledge and accept that we have imperfections in the first place rather than make an enemy of these parts we do not like about ourselves.

Love, Respect, and Take Care of Yourself

The most important relationship you should have is the one with yourself, which makes you the number one priority above everything and everyone else.

Taking care of yourself should not be limited to a once in a while event, but an everyday effort and action. This includes keeping up with personal hygiene, wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident, and putting your best foot forward every day.

Furthermore, become aware of and respect your emotional limitations, develop the strength to walk away from uncomfortable situations and relationships, and be mindful of the state of your mind and body daily.

Eat Healthily and Exercise

Following a daily fitness regime and eating healthy not only helps you lose weight, but it also cultivates a sense of well-being.

Take yoga, for instance; it benefits more than just the body; your mental and emotional health are impacted as well. Yoga helps you develop awareness of your body, breathing, and emotions – thus making you more inclined to translate this constant self-reflection into approaching issues in your personal life and learn how external factors affect your body.

To jumpstart your body, foods like “superfoods" are incredibly useful at revitalizing the body and making you feel better. Eating clean in conjunction with yoga maintains your overall health and reduces your risk of developing diseases.

Have Realistic Expectations

Unrealistic expectations will hurt more than help you. While it is fantastic that you have so many things you want to improve about yourself, you must accept that these changes do not happen overnight.

Otherwise, you may end up pushing yourself a bit too much and setting yourself up for disappointment if you don’t accomplish your goals within a certain amount of time.

Dedicate Time to Your Passions

Think about the things you love doing. Has it been a while since you invested time into them? In the hustle and bustle of life’s busyness, we often forget to make time for the things we solely care about.

Hobbies are essential to our well-being: they enrich our lives, challenge us to forge new skills, and be relied upon as an activity of solace when we need to decompress from our stress and anxiety.

Practice Gratitude

When was the last time you appreciated someone or something? Hopefully, not too long ago.

A common event that happens to each of us is getting caught up in the chaos of our responsibilities and forgetting what matters most at the end of the day.

Gratitude can keep us grounded and aware of the constant good in our lives. Without taking a moment to appreciate your circumstances or solid relationships, you will never honestly feel fulfilled or satisfied with your life.

Stop Being Overly Self-Critical

You are a human being. We are creatures that are inherently flawed - therefore, it is tedious to seek and attempt perfection.

Imperfection is a quality that should be celebrated rather than feared because mistakes are learning experiences that enable you to become a more mature and well-rounded individual. The next time you make a mistake, try to speak to yourself with compassion and understanding and do better in the future.

Doing the opposite will only damage your self-esteem and consistently make you feel inferior.

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Stop Being a People Pleaser

If you aim to always please other people, you never live life for yourself. You can be the kindest and most lovely person in the world, but there will still be someone who dislikes you.

Not everyone will appreciate or be impressed by you, and that is just a general truth of life. Validate your worth with the opinion that matters most: your own.

Ask for Help When Needed

Sometimes, overcoming an obstacle requires the support of others to keep you moving forward. Acknowledging you need help and asking for it is a sign of strength, not weakness.

We all inevitably become overwhelmed with the circumstances in our life or feel that there is too much on our plate to handle all at once sometimes. Other people can offer their opinion on a matter and even contribute helpful advice you may not have learned without their insight.

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